

Greetings to all pastors of South Central District

I hope your summer has been a blessed time. It seems strange to refer to the summer in the past tense already, but here in New Mexico the children are back in school, so there you go…

Announcement & Invitation!

Pastors Retreat; November 7 to 9, 2024

Mark your calendars for a Pastors Retreat that is being planned for November 7 to 9, 2024. (An Alternate Retreat is being worked on for South Texas – stay tuned…)

At this retreat LMC representatives will take us to the next level of understanding the Missional Vision of LMC. They will be introducing and explaining LMC’s terminology, core values, support structure and many other aspects of our new relationship that will be important for us to understand as we begin to grow together with them.

We strongly encourage every pastor to make attendance at this retreat a priority.

This will be an important and formative time together.

In addition, pastors are encouraged to bring their spouse and another Spiritual Leader from their congregation – “another person that needs to “catch the vision” with them.”

Details are still being worked out, but the current plan is to gather on Thursday Evening, November 7, for a social evening of getting better acquainted within our group, but also with the representatives from LMC. meet throughout the day Friday and Saturday, and then dismiss on Saturday afternoon.

The funding details for the retreat are still being worked out, but we don’t want the cost to be the reason for anyone to miss this important event. Please put it on your calendars and keep the date open.

I hope to see you in November

Phil Rosenberger

S-C Network Chair
