Church Planters connect with Refugee Family in Kansas City
On January 22, 2017 we received word from Akron Mennnonite Church in Pennsylvania that a refugee family originally from Congo in Kansas City was in need of help. The Akron church is sponsoring a refugee family and the refugees in Kansas City are relatives. The husband in the family was attacked by a group of men who severely beat him, stole all his money, documents and car. He was hospitalized for several days, but is now recovering at home. Akron first contacted Rainbow Mennonite Church in Kansas City and they in turn were aware that Omot and Hanna Aganya were working with refugees there so they asked them if they could visit the family. The next day, January 23 Omot and Hanna went to see them. The man told Omot that the men had beaten him until they thought he was dead. They also said that his employer had just called and said that if he didn’t come to work by January 24, the next day, he would lose his job. But they didn’t have transportation since his car was gone. They told Omot and Hanna that they were afraid that they would not have money for food and rent. Omot and Hanna prayed for them and Omot volunteered to go to his house the next day to take him to work.