Hesston welcomes new pastor
On August 11, 2019, Jesse Engle was installed as the Pastor of Worship, Outreach, and Administration at Hesston Mennonite Church. Jesse is a graduate of Eastern Mennonite Seminary and has served as pastor at Aurora Mennonite Church, Aurora, Ohio, for seven years and West Clinton Mennonite Church, Wauseon, Ohio, for ten years. Prior to that Jesse was an elementary school teacher. Jesse served as a co-pastor with his wife Naomi at West Clinton until her death, January 1, 2017. Key to his relocation to Kansas was his recent marriage to Kendra Neufeld whose husband Russ had died of cancer on January 21, 2017. Interestingly, they found a house on Lover’s Lane in Newton.
Posted on October 16, 2019 in Congregational Stories Weekly Word