Kansas City Church Planting report
Omot and Hanna Aganya and their children have been in Kansas City since July, 2016. They have learned to know and are working with many immigrants from Ethiopia and South Sudan. After having smaller group meetings in homes for some months, Omot is sensing that the Lord wants them to start having larger group worship services. He is working specifically with 8 lay leaders who feel called to start a more public witness in Kansas City, Missouri. They are looking and praying for the Lord’s leading in finding a meeting place that they can use. Please join them in praying that they will be able to locate a place where they can reach out to those who need to hear the Gospel in that area. It would be also helpful if they would be able to find a van with which they could haul particularly new refugees who do not yet have their own transportation to worship services. If you know of any possibility for such a vehicle, please contact Omot Aganya (612 703 1637) or James Wenger (620 217 9029).
Posted on March 14, 2017 in News Weekly Word