Replicate Discipleship
Eden Life Youth gather for discipleship (photo taken before COVID outbreak)
Hanna Aganya, church planter in Kansas City, has expressed appreciation for the Bethel Mennonite Church Youth Group that visited two times over the last three years. She said, “The first time that they visited, Eden Life was looking for a meeting place for our church. The Youth group went to look at the building where we now meet that was for sale. After looking at the building the group all gathered in a circle holding hands and we prayed that the Lord would make it possible for us to find the right meeting place.”
At a later time a Youth group from Bethel went to Hanna and Omot’s house in Kansas City and cleaned up the yard, painted part of the house and planted flowers. Hanna said the Bethel church was, “training their youth to be disciples.” Hanna and Omot’s youth group at Eden Life started to meet each week for Bible Study and they are now doing something similar to what Bethel Church had been doing in that they are training their young people to be disciples of Jesus. The Bible study group, led by some of the Young Adults, started when one of the mothers suggested to Hanna and Omot that the youth should have an opportunity to gather. They usually have some refreshments and had, until recently, been moving from one home to another for this study. Recently the group has continued to gather using zoom meetings.
–James Wenger: Regional Conference Minister for both Bethel and Eden Life
Posted on April 8, 2020 in Weekly Word