Weekly Word November 28 – December 2
Reminder: SCMC will be holding Regional Discernment Meetings in January. Read more here in English or Spanish.
SCMC is looking for a new representative to serve on the board of Camp Mennoscah. If you are aware of families or individuals in your church who have appreciated the services of the camp, please encourage them to volunteer.
The Kansas MDS (Mennonite Disaster Service) Unit is sponsoring a Learning and Service trip to Jennings, Louisiana, January 28-February 4, 2023. Participants will leave on Saturday traveling to New Orleans, staying overnight, learning about long term recovery from disasters and visiting Laura Plantation on Sunday. Your cost will be one night lodging, two tours we will take and meals on the days we travel. MDS is covering the transportation, meals and lodging while on the MDS project in Jennings. We will be rebuilding homes with MDS from Monday through Friday. To make your reservations or for more information contact Cleo Koop at cleohkoop@gmail.com or call 316-282-0797.
You will find a complete list of current volunteer opportunities with Mennonite Disaster Service here.
MCC’s Buckets of Thanks are filling up, but keep the supplies coming, we’ve got A LOT of buckets to fill! After making your donation of relief kit supplies to MCC, make sure you sign up to track MCC’s next shipment of relief kits as it travels the world! You will receive updates at each checkpoint, including when the kits reach their final destination to be distributed by an MCC local partner in Jordan to Syrian refugee families and vulnerable Jordanians. Donate all the items in a relief kit or pick just a few items to donate – all items are helpful and necessary to complete a relief kit bucket. Kit supplies can be dropped off or shipped to: MCC Central States, 121 E. 30th St., North Newton, KS 67117. Find out more at mcc buckets.org.
MCC Material Resources Center in North Newton critically low on inventory: An MCC kit cannot be shipped until every single item for the kit is assembled, but some supplies are so low that kits cannot be processed for shipping. You can help by helping to fill the following needs: New infant onesies and sleepers (3-12 month sizes); shampoo (20 oz or more), thin sanitary pads (28 count minimum) and dark colored bath and hand towels. Buy online and ship it to MCC or bring item to MCC in North Newton (121 E. 30th St, North Newton, KS 67117). Questions are always welcome, please contact katemast@mcc.org or 316.283.2720. A full list of MCC kit contents can be found at mcc.org/kits.
Free resource: Learning about generosity with MCC! Make talking about generosity with your children easy by using this free resource. The printable worksheets help kids explore the basics of generosity at an elementary school level. The resource contains downloadable worksheets, activity ideas, a story about how generosity makes a difference, make-your-own bookmark craft and alternative Christmas gift ideas. Click here to sign up: MCC generosity resource.
December Bulletin Announcements from Hesston College are available here.
Application and further details for summer staffers here! We are seeking stunning summer staff to fill the following leadership positions for the 2023 summer: crafts, lifeguard, music, nature, office, and grounds. These positions are typically filled by college-age students, are summer-long and receive a stipend. A summer of fun, service and faith formation!
Other events and happenings:
Help us Plan for the Future! A seven-question survey will help us know how camp is used and what you would like to see in the future. Click here to tell us what you think!
Thank you to those who helped with the amphitheater in November! The work is not yet finished, but we are closer! Keep looking for the next opportunity to help out!
Camps that run from Sunday to Saturday will now end on Friday. This is only a change for Junior and Junior High Camps. It will not affect First Camp, PreJunior, or Senior High Camps. Weekend groups will not be affected either.
For several weeks, the Programming Committee requested thoughts and comments on ending a full-week camp on Friday instead of Saturday. While responses were both for and against a switch to a Friday checkout, responses weighed more heavily to the positive. There are benefits to both campers and staff when staff is better rested. Groups and families will also have additional opportunities to spend time at camp with the change. The checkout time on the last day of Junior/Junior High camps will move to 10:30-11:30am (previously 9-10am) to allow for a more relaxed checkout.
An announcement regarding spring semester 2023 course offerings from Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary is available here.
The following is an announcement from one of our sister churches in Western District Conference.
We need your help tomorrow! On Saturday, December 3, 2022 we need your help to package 50,000 meals. Our plan is to keep the meals local– providing food for our local neighbors. What a great way to give of your time during the Christmas season to help those who struggle to put food on the table. There is a job for all ages 7 to 146 years of age. You can work one shift or both shifts. Job orientation is provided and packaging lines will be set up to allow for social distancing.
WHEN: Saturday, December 3, 2020.
1st Shift (Arrive 8:30 for the 9:00 – 11:00am shift).
2nd Shift (Arrive 10:30 for 11:00am-1:00pm shift). Or do both!
WHERE: Buhler Mennonite Church – 220 West Avenue B, Buhler KS
Please sign-up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0545AEAD2EA1F58-50000
CONTACT US: Phone: 620.543.2733. Email: bmcpastor@gmail.com
WHO is OUTREACH?: https://outreachprogram.org/
BRASS CHRISTMAS CONCERT — Everyone is invited to enjoy the McPherson Brass at the Alexanderwohl Mennonite Church (1304 K-15 Hwy, Goessel) on Sunday, December 11 at 7pm. A free will offering will support local ministries. See poster here.
Discover Your Anabaptist Filter
Registration is now open for KNOW JESUS, an overnight retreat for 6th – 8th graders on February 4 – 5 at Hesston College! At Know Jesus, students can learn more about their Anabaptist roots through worship, service, and interactive activities. As a way to put our faith into action we will be raising funds for Numana prior to Know Jesus and then packaging meals during the retreat. To register, click here. More registration information is available here and you will find bulletin inserts, flyers and graphics about Numana here. Contact Melissa Landis at 215-896-4808 or email melissahlandis@gmail.com for more information or with any questions.
Don’t forget to send any announcements that you would like shared with your fellow SCMC churches to us at scc@sccmenno.org !
Posted on December 2, 2022 in Weekly Word