MCUSA Announcements
Mennonite Church USA (MC USA), in partnership with Anabaptist Disabilities Network, has launched “Learn, Pray, Join: Welcoming EveryBODY,” an initiative that celebrates the many gifts that people with disabilities bring to our church communities. In June, MC USA will seek to engage people in this initiative by offering resources, prayers and ways to care for one another and to address issues of accessibility in the church. Read more here:
Mennonites Against Militarism – a collaboration of Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Central Committee, U.S. – is seeking to launch an initiative to counter military recruitment of U.S. youth, called Alternatives to Military Enlistment Network (AMEN). AMEN invites interested volunteers to complete a brief survey that identifies areas in which they may engage with AMEN, including administration, web and graphic design, publicity, budgeting, fundraising and guidance/career counseling. Learn more here: Take the survey here:
Bryan Miller from Beth-El Mennonite Church, Colorado Springs, Col., and RAWtools, Inc. are auctioning Miller’s sculpture, “Never Forgets Peace,” to benefit Mennonite Church USA’s Justice Fund. The sculpture is made from gun parts and is being auctioned from June 1-30, 2022, during Gun Violence Prevention Month. Learn more at
Mennonite Church USA invited members from across the denomination to share their hopes, thoughts and spiritual reflections ahead of the Special Session of the Delegate Assembly (May 27-30). Read through their blogs here:
The Poor People’s Campaign “follows the spirit and analysis of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in identifying and combatting the ‘evil triplets’ of systemic racism, poverty and the war economy, along with attendant ecological devastation and the false moral narrative of religious nationalism.” Rod Hollinger-Janzen, administrative assistant for Church Vitality in Mennonite Church USA, walks through the reasons why he is an avid supporter of the campaign. Read more, including how you can be involved in the Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls, on Saturday, June 18:
Posted on May 25, 2022 in Weekly Word