News & Updates
Pastor and Congregation News
- Josh Patterson, pastor of Crystal Springs (KS) Mennonite Church, was married on August 28 to Adrienne Hock.
- Zach Batson, associate campus pastor at Journey@McPherson, was approved for licensure toward ordination by the Ministerial Commission on December 16.
- Kay Schroeder began as Pastor of Congregational Life at Hesston Mennonite Church on December 18. She previously served on the pastoral team of First Mennonite Church in Newton, Kansas.
- Steve Schmidt, interim pastor at Whitestone Mennonite Church, has agreed to continue through June 30, 2020.
- Howard and Cathy Wagler were recognized for 27 years of ministry at Journey Mennonite Church in a festive celebration on November 9. Howard will step down from his role as senior pastor at Journey. The ongoing leadership responsibilities will be shared by Eric Miller, campus pastor at Journey@South Hutchinson, and Jim Ostlund, campus pastor at Journey@McPherson.
- Members of Spring Valley Mennonite Church in Canton, Kansas, traveled as a group to Greensburg Mennonite Church on October 27 to share in the worship service and fellowship meal. Miriam Huebert Stauffer, member at Spring Valley, planned and organized the visit, informing her fellow parishioners only that they were taking a 2-hour trip to an unnamed destination, revealed only after they were on the road.
- Jeff Selzer, pastor of Pleasant View Mennonite Church in rural Hydro, Oklahoma, has concluded his service as Regional Conference Minister for South Central Conference, effective August 12.
- Lupe Aguilar, pastor at Rey de Gloria in Brownsville, Texas, has concluded his service as Regional Conference Minister for South Texas Congregations, effective October 31.
Executive Committee Activity
The conference Executive Committee has met three times since the last issue of the Messenger. Discussion and decisions have addressed the following:
- Devoted an entire meeting to a joint session with Regional Conference Ministers, looking at structure and staffing options that can under-gird the services provided to pastors and congregations
- Received a report from a group known as Luke 5, looking at new areas of outreach and disciple making activities, including:
- Encourage pastors and leaders to take the APEST (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, Teacher) test to identify leadership gifts and how they can best be used in local contexts;
- Create a list of disciple making options to guide congregational ministry and outreach;
- Make maximum use of social media to share our stories.
- Worked with possible organization structure and staffing options to make the best use of available financial resources, including the expansion of the Administrative Assistant’s time to provide the needed support services
- Continued to relate to the leaders of the southern group of churches in south Texas (UCIM) in an effort to understand more fully what the pastors and lay leaders need to work effectively in border communities serving the needs of migrant populations
- Provided financial support for the pastor/spouse retreat offered to the south Texas churches
- Began the process of identifying participants in the annual assembly, scheduled for July 17-18 at a location yet to be determined
- Received confirmation that the Kansas Leadership Center has awarded a grant jointly to South Central and Western District Conference pastors and others, for the fifth consecutive year.